Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is Thanksgiving Break Here Yet?

So a lot of things have been happening throughout this past semester. Teachers like to pile on the work load and I have also been working on finishing up my internship. You can probably imagine that I've been pretty busy. Well... I have. My internship is hopefully going to be done by the end of next month. It was supposed to get done by last month, but they have been still having me finish up things.

Classes have been getting hard. I have been learning how to set up my own website and how to make podcasts, redesigning products, and making my own case studies. It is a TON of work! I love it though. It has been a lot of work, but I knew it would be. That is how it is in the real world and my teachers are just simply preparing me.

Living situations have been very interesting. I have been living in Davenport Properties for about a year now. I have loved living there and my roommates there have been absolutely amazing every time. I couldn't of asked for a better ward! My bishop and his counselors are awesome! I love the people in the ward as well. Well as much as I love living here, I am moving. The owners of the apartments have been a little less desirable to work with. My apartment/house didn't have heat for over a week, we have mold under our sink and on the walls of our bathroom, the internet hasn't worked for the past three weeks, and I still haven't received my deposit check back from the 7 week break (I'm supposed to get it within 30 days) and it's been a few months! So.... I am moving. I will miss my ward a ton! I went to my ward party last night and just felt sad the entire time because I knew that I wouldn't be in this ward any more after this semester. I guess that's just how life goes though. I will be moving into the Snowview apartments. I am pretty excited. My sister Heidi lived there when she came to BYU-Idaho and she loved them! I can't wait to move in! Here is what they look like:
They should be really good apartments to live in and I already love the managers!

Thanksgiving is coming up and I'm so excited! I am ready for a break and I get to go down to stay with my older sister and help her take care of my new nephew Zachary Michael Robbins! It will be so much fun! I also get to play with my niece Samantha who I'm sure will be wanting someone to play with by the time I get there.
This is my sister with her new baby and daughter Samantha.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What a poser! =)

A few weekends ago my family and I went to Utah to see Heidi and her family. I needed to take some pictures for an ad I was making for class, so they gladly posed for me. Samantha is the perfect poser!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Man I love my life!!!!

It's amazing at how many talents a person can develop through the years. It's so much fun having many talents and I just continue to want to learn more. Lately I've been getting into photography. I have fallen in love!!! Pretty sure of it! Basically it is because of the Woodside Swing group. They are having a big event of swing with workshops all day and then a live band dance in October that they wanted me to create a poster for. Well I don't have a very good camera so I decided to get one from the library. Since I work in A/V Productions department in the Master Control section, I get to check out their camera's for as long as I need it! I don't have to have a teachers note or anything! WONDERFUL!
So I checked out their one of their nice sony cameras and found that I was pretty good! Here are a "few" shots I have taken since then:

MEET DENNIS!!! He was my lover over the 7 week break =)

As you can tell I've had a little bit of fun! :) I hope to keep it up. I don't think it will be to hard though.