I haven't been on in awhile. This has probably been one of the hardest/ testimony building months of my life! I am sure most of you have heard, but I will give a brief explanation of this past month. On February 6th, my sister Melissa was in a car accident with her two kids, 7 month old Edward and 2 year old Ethne. They were broadsided by a cement truck. Melissa was hurt pretty bad. She was in the hospital recovering from her injuries for about a week. Edward only got 5 stitches from it. Ethne did not make it. She died the night of the accident, while in surgery.
This experience was one of the hardest trials I have ever been put through. I have heard of stories similar to this happening to other people, but I never would have guessed it would ever happen to me. When I got the news of the accident, my heart felt like it had stopped. I couldn't believe it. What was harder, is that my family was headed to Utah to be with them, without me. I felt helpless. I was in Idaho and there was absolutely nothing I could do except pray. I went to my Grandpa Stone's house to stay with them for the night. I was there for probably an hour or so before I got the call saying that Ethne didn't make it. I couldn't believe it. I felt earlier that everything was going to be ok. Everything had to be ok. Ethne was only 2. I prayed and prayed. I wished it was just a dream. It was not though. I began going back into my memory and remembered all of the wonderful experiences I had with Ethne. She was one of the sweetest little girls I have ever met. I was then grateful to have the knowledge of the gospel and Heavenly Father's plan that he has for us. I knew that Ethne was with Heavenly Father. She was perfect. She was so valiant, she didn't have to be put through the horrors and all the trials of the world. This has comforted me and continues to comfort me every day. Every once in awhile, I get a little choked up and wish I could just wake up from this bad dream, but then I am reminded that God has a plan for each and every one of us. Ethne has fulfilled her mission and now Heavenly Father needs her on the other side of the vail. I will be with Ethne again. I know that families are eternal. I know that this life is short and time will go by faster than I think it will. Before I know it, I will be back with all my family members that have gone to the other side of the vail. I know that the plan of salvation is a real thing. I know that it was inspired and I am so grateful to Christ for being willing to die for me and everyone for that matter so that He could open up the gates of Heaven. I am so grateful that through the atonement I can become perfect and worthy to be with Ethne again.
Here are just a few memories and pictures of Ethne.
Ethne with Ephant |
Ethne was one of the sweetest little girls I have ever had the opportunity of meeting. She loved everyone. I will forever remember the first time she started saying my name. Lawrence and Melissa came up to Idaho to see Eliza's play "Scrooge" and to be with family a little. Ethne was as active as always. She and I started playing her little game of "come chase me Aunt Kathryn and throw me around a little." It was so fun going to get her, pull her up to me, give her raspberries on her tummy, tickle her and put her down so that I could go catch her again. Ethne loved this game so much! As we were playing, she ran up to the couch, turned and said, "Cooomme get me Aunt Kathryn!!!!" while she was doing her sweet little laughing. When she said this, Melissa informed me that that was the first time she had ever said my name. It melted my heart that I was able to be there the first time she said my name. We played that game for hours. We even played it while we waited in line to get into Eliza's play. I will forever remember that little mischievous laugh she had when she would run away from me and I would chase her.

Another memory I have is when Ethne discovered my giant tigger slippers. The slippers are the head of tigger. Ethne loved them! She would attempt to walk around in them. They were so big on her, she would often fall down, but she would promptly secure those slippers on again and try walking in them again. I am so glad I was able to get pictures of this!!!
Attempting to walk in my slippers |
Falling down |
Patiently securing them back on |
Ready for another go. |
Another favorite memory I had was the last weekend I was able to see her. My family had gone down to Utah the week after Christmas since Lawrence and Melissa were unable to come up the week of Christmas. We were having dinner at Mike and Heidi's place. Samantha and Ethne were sitting by each other on the stools by the island in Heidi's kitchen. Ethne decided she had had enough of sitting there. She wanted to go play, so she got down and started walking to the play room, when Samantha turned around and said, "Come back here you little stinker!" Ethne turned around and gave Samantha a dirty look as she promptly told Samantha, "I notta stinker! Ina princess!!!" That is one of the last memories I have with Ethne. I will never forget it. She truly was a princess and she knew it!
Samantha and Ethne at Winco. They were best friends. |
Samantha also was famous for her tantrums. According to my mom and dad, she throws a tantrum just like my brother Lawrence did. One Sunday that Lawrence and Melissa were up visiting, Ethne all of a sudden threw one of her tantrums. She threw herself on the floor and just stayed there. It was so funny! My parents just looked at each other and said, "That's Lawrence!" haha
This was taken while she just laid, face first, on the ground haha. |
Here are a few more pictures that I just love: