Since I've been home, I have been trying to adjust. The adjustment has probably been one of the hardest things ever. I have come to appreciate the mantel I had when I was a missionary so much more, now that I don't have it. I realize now, what kind of protection you have as a missionary. It is hard having that taken away.
Now that I am home, I have had the task of finding my purpose. When you are a missionary, you have your purpose written in Preach My Gospel for you. You have your task set before you. You have a specific schedule set for you in a little white handbook. Now I'm not saying that missionary work was easy because of this, what I'm saying is I knew what my goal was. Now that I am home, my purpose is similar but not as focused. I have to find the other part of my purpose. I need to figure out where the Lord wants me. It is time for me to figure out what I want to do with my life. It is a whole lot harder than I anticipated.

I know that whatever crossroad we may come in our lives, the Lord is right along side us helping us. I know that I have felt his help with trying to find my purpose a lot. I know that I will find my purpose. I know that He will not forsake me through this trial. I know that this trail will turn out to be my biggest blessing. It's just like it says in the song "What I Need" from Forgotten Carols, "All I ever wanted, all I ever dreamed of, everything I've hoped, and all the things I prayed for couldn't hold a candle to what I've been given. I've been given what I need." I know that whatever happens, it will be what I need, not necessarily what I want. I am grateful for this!
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