Today marks two years since the passing of a sweet angel, my niece, Mary Ethne Stone. I know to most people this anniversary would be a sad day, but because of the gospel, I know where she is. I know that as I follow the Savior's example, keep my covenants, and endure, I can be with her again. I will always miss her. Elder Shayne M. Bowen said, "The truth is, you will never completely get over it until you are together once again with your departed loved ones... I have learned that the bitter, almost unbearable pain can become sweet as you turn to your Father in Heaven and plead for His comfort that comes through His plan; His Son, Jesus Christ; and His Comforter, who is the Holy Ghost." Rather than make this a sad day, I make it a day of renewal. I make it a day where I start something new to honor her.

I knew that this was coming up for a few days and I've been doing a lot of thinking about ways I can honor her. As I thought of ways I could do this, I began to reminisce about her life and my special experiences with her. I thought about her personality. She has one of the most loving spirits. I thought about how she has shown me love. She gave me the special gift of hearing her say my name for her first time. She would always give hugs and kisses to everyone. She truly has a gift of love. I also thought about the many times she helped me through my mission. I could feel her presence at times comforting me when I missed family. She has shown me love in so many ways, I can't even count them. As I thought about these experiences, the words from the song, "As I Have Loved You" popped into my head.
As I have loved you, love one another... By this shall men know ye are my disciples. As I thought of that, I knew exactly what I need to do.

In honor of Ethne's life, I am going to start today to do 100 acts of love in the form of service. I don't know who will be the recipients. It could be one of you, but I know through the help of the spirit, I will be guided to those who need it the most. I felt that this would be the perfect way to honor Ethne. She was always showing her love to everyone around her. I need to be more loving like her. I know that service is the best way to do this. As it says in Mosiah 2:17 "...when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." What a better way to honor someone you love, than to
serve our Heavenly Father who made the plan that will unite us all together again.

I know that the Plan of Salvation is real. I know that I can be with Ethne again because of what our Savior, Jesus Christ did for us. He truly loves us and wants all of us to return to him. He has given us the way, all we must do is follow him.
"May we understand and live in thanksgiving for the priceless gifts that come to us as sons and daughters of a loving Heavenly Father and for the promise of that bright day when we shall all rise triumphant from the grave." - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
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