Thursday, July 14, 2011


So as you can imagine, it's been a CRAZY, BUSY, HECTIC semester..... to say the least!  I have learned a lot, mainly the fact that fast grad wears you down FAST! I was ready for the semester to be over about a month ago. I have got to the point where I just am dragging and it is taking all of my energy to keep up. We are now down to just one week! YAY!!!! I will then get an 8 week break! Just what I need! This summer is going to be busy with weddings and family reunions and lets not forget the trip I am planning on taking down to Utah! I plan on meeting my new nephew Edward Lawrence Stone. I am so excited!

Since it will be a break and a rather long one at that, I am planning on reading some books this summer because I can. =) Any suggestions on what I should read? I am for sure planning on finally finishing Harry Potter 5. =)

I will fill you all in on my life in a week! HOOOLLLAAAA!!!! =)