Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cakes and Breaks! =)

So school is finally done! I have been looking forward to this break for the past two months! Well... after I was done with clean checks and finals on Friday, I got to go home, but I started to get sick. Just my luck. It turned into a nasty cold and then I finally started to feel better on Tuesday. Well Wednesday night I started having this really bad ear ache. I was up half the night because it hurt so bad. Well in the middle of all this, I was working on my friends wedding cake that had to be done by Friday. Well my mom made me call in sick on Thursday and I went to the doctor. The doctor told me that this is usually something you see with toddlers, not 21 year olds. He told me that I needed to take it easy and not do anything strenuous for the next couple of days. I said ok, all I have to do is this huge wedding cake haha. Wedding cakes always stress me out because they are so much work and I always worry that the bride wont like it. I truly believe I had help from on high because there is no way I should have been able to push through getting that cake done on time like I did. I was able to stay up late and work on the cake without feeling absolutely horrible. I never had to take my pain medication which was a very good thing considering the fact it knocks you out for hours. The cake took a long time and a lot of work, but it turned out beautifully and the bride absolutely LOVED it! =)