Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Proposal - My Side

So I have had a lot of people ask me how Nathan proposed, so rather than making a long Facebook post, I figured I would just put it up on my blog. Nathan has also informed me that he would like to share his side of the story, so here is just my side of it. His side of the story will be coming soon! =)

Nathan took me to Julia Davis Park in downtown Boise. They have a beautiful rose garden that we walked through. He knows that roses are my favorite, so we just walked around pointing out our favorite ones.

 As we are walking back through the garden, we come upon a bench and Nathan points out a pair of shoes that were sitting underneath it saying, "Someone left some shoes there." I thought, that's weird. Why would someone do that? Those are cute! And then the realization came, Nathan had put them there, for me. He had me sit down and pulled off my flip flop and slipped on this beautiful slipper and told me, "You would make me the happiest man in the world, if you would be my wife." and then pulled out the most beautiful ring! I of course said yes.

He told me later that he had been searching to find slippers similar to the ones in the movie, Ever After. He knew that is my favorite movie and it just made the whole thing even more perfect.

It was a perfect experience. I am so grateful to Nathan's cousin for being sneaky and capturing this wonderful moment in our lives! I couldn't be happier. I have seriously been on cloud 9 ever since. I am so blessed to have Nathan in my life and I couldn't be more excited to be his wife!

There was a cute older couple standing behind Nathan's cousin and they started clapping when the proposal was done. It was pretty darn cute!